Moses and God

If you could ask God one question, face-to-face, what would it be? You’ve always thought about this question right? So seriously what would you ask him? Maybe you would ask him something like “Why is there evil in the world?” Or “How can I get to heaven?” Or maybe even “Can I have a million dollars?” This seems to be a hypothetical question, but there is indeed a man in the Bible who talked to God “face-to-face.” His name was Moses. 

Moses is one of the most influential leaders in Israel’s very young history. He had caused plagues to come down on the Egyptians, led the Israelite nation out of Egypt and defeated the Egyptian army all because he had God on his side. Today we will dive into the unique relationship between God and Moses that caused him to be one of the most influential leaders in Israelite history.

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Read: Exodus 33:7-11

  • What was the Tent of Meeting?

  • What happened when Moses would go to the tent? What did the people do?

  • Why do you think the people made such a big deal about God talking with Moses?

  • Why do you think only Moses had this relationship with God?

  • What made this relationship so special?

After Israel settled in the land that God gave to them they built a temple (1 Kings 6, 2 Chronicles 3,4), where the pillar of cloud and the presence of God descended (2 Chronicles 5:13,14). In this temple there was a curtain that would separate the Most Holy Place, the place where God’s presence dwelt, from the rest of the temple. Only the high priest would enter this place to offer sacrifices once a year. This Most Holy Place was where God made his dwelling among people.

Read Mark 15:33-39 and Hebrews 10:19-22

  • What does the curtain being torn in two from top to bottom mean for people?

  • Why does Jesus’ death allow people access to God?

  • Why does having direct access to God matter?

  • Is direct access to God something that you would want right now? Why or why not?

  • How can someone get direct access to God and have a relationship similar to the relationship Moses had with God?

  • If you truly believed that you have direct access to God, what would you change? 

Direct access to God is now a gift afforded to all people who believe in Jesus. Because the curtain that separated God from the people was torn from top to bottom, God opens the way for everyone to now come and have direct access to him. This was no small feat, however. Jesus’ death on the cross was the only way for the curtain to be metaphorically torn so that our access to God could be restored.


By Bryce Tebos
MSU Cru Alumni, Wilson Hall


How Do We Ask?


My Weakness, His Strength